Sully 2017
Le Lien Mécanique Ostéopathique
Points clés du système nerveux périphérique
Paul Chauffour, Éric Prat et Jacques Michaud
Date de parution : août 2017
Éditeur : Sully
Version anglaise traduite par H. Loiselle et R. Anderson
Illustrations de Benoit Caillé
Photos couleur
ISBN : 978-2-35432-213-7
Nb. de pages : 304 pages
Dimensions : 200 x 270 mm
Prix relié : 62,00 €
Les auteurs, ostéopathes français réputés internationalement pour la qualité de leur enseignement, présentent dans ce livre une toute nouvelle approche du système nerveux périphérique basée sur un diagnostic rapide et précis des points critiques à traiter.
L’ouvrage expose de façon didactique l’étiologie des lésions ostéopathiques du nerf, leur correspondance avec les points majeurs de l’acupuncture et, sous forme de fiches pratiques, un répertoire des principaux points clés du système nerveux périphérique avec leurs correspondances cliniques dans de nombreuses pathologies fonctionnelles, douloureuses ou non. La qualité de l’iconographie qui compte plus de 200 illustrations originales – schémas, dissections et photos réalisés personnellement par les auteurs – permet au lecteur de visualiser clairement l’anatomie des nerfs ainsi que la meilleure façon d’aborder le point neural. Un chapitre entier consacré à l’encéphale et aux nouvelles perspectives de traitement ostéopathique qui sont offertes dans ce domaine complète parfaitement ce livre de référence sur l’approche manuelle du système nerveux.
Cet ouvrage s’adresse à tous les ostéopathes et professionnels de santé qui souhaitent étendre leur champ de compétence en intégrant d’une façon simple mais efficace l’évaluation et le traitement du « lien neurologique » dans leur pratique.
Table des matières
Préface / Foreword, Dr. Stephen Blood
Préface / Foreword, Akiyoshi Shimomura
Introduction / Introduction
• Le Lien Mécanique Ostéopathique / Mechanical Link
Le concept de la lésion totale / Concept of total lesion
Le concept de la lésion primaire / Concept of primary lesion
Le concept du traitement spécifique / Concept of specific treatment
• Organisation anatomo-physiologique du nerf et considérations ostéopathiques / Anatomical-physiological organization of the nerve
and osteopathic considerations
Embryologie / Embryology
Organisation cutanée sensitive / Sensory cutaneous organization
Organisation musculaire motrice / Motor muscular organization
Organisation nerveuse autonome / Autonomic nervous organization
Histologie et physiologie / Histology and physiology
Structure du nerf périphérique / Structure of the peripheral nerve
Sécurité neurologique / Neurological safety
Sécurité anatomique / Anatomical safety
Sécurité biomécanique / Biomechanical safety
Résistance à la compression / Resistance to compression
Résistance à l’étirement / Resistance to elongation
Résistance aux frottements / Resistance to friction
Lésion ostéopathique du nerf / Osteopathic lesion of the nerve
Types de lésions nerveuses / Types of nerve lesions
Etiologie des atteintes nerveuses / Etiology of nerve injury
• Points clés du système nerveux / Key points of the nervous system
Répertoire des points clés du système nerveux / List of the key points of the nervous system
Les points de compression / Points of compression
Les points de convergence / Points of convergence
Les points d’exposition / Points of exposure
Les points d’émergence / Points of emergence
Les points distaux / Distal points
Points neuraux et points d’acupuncture correspondants / Neural points and corresponding points of acupuncture
Ostéopathie et acupuncture / Osteopathy and acupuncture
Nerf périphérique et méridien d’acupuncture / Peripheral nerves and acupuncture meridians
Point clé neural et point d’acupuncture / Neural key points and acupuncture points
Influx nerveux et circulation d’énergie / Nerve impulse and energy circulation
Considérations cliniques / Clinical considerations
• Pratique ostéopathique / Osteopathic practice
Localisation du point clé neural / Location of the neural key point
Test en tension du point clé neural / Tension test of the neural key point
Test en balance inhibitrice du point clé neural / Inhibitory balance test of the neural key point
Traitement par recoil du point clé neural / Treatment of the neural key point with the recoil
• Rappels anatomiques / Anatomical review
Nerfs crâniens / Cranial nerves
Nerf trijumeau / Trigeminal nerve
Nerf facial / Facial nerve
Nerf vague / Vagus nerve
Nerf accessoire / Accessory nerve
Nerfs cervicaux / Cervical nerves
Nerf grand occipital / Greater occipital nerve
Nerfs du plexus cervical superficiel / Nerves of the superficial cervical plexus
Nerf phrénique / Phrenic nerve
Plexus brachial / Brachial plexus
Nerf supra scapulaire / Suprascapular nerve
Nerfs du membre supérieur / Nerves of the upper extremity
Nerf radial / Radial nerve
Nerf musculo-cutané / Musculocutaneous nerve
Nerf médian / Median nerve
Nerf ulnaire / Ulnar nerve
Nerfs du plexus lombaire / Nerves of the lumbar plexus
Branches collatérales du plexus lombaire / Collateral branches of the lumbar plexus
Nerf fémoral / Femoral nerve
Nerf obturateur / Obturator nerve
Nerf sciatique / Sciatic nerve
Filum terminal / Filum terminale
Nerf sciatique / Siatic nerve
Nerf tibial / Tibial nerve
Nerf fibulaire / Fibular nerve
Nerf sural / Sural nerve
• Fiches pratiques / Test descriptions
Nerfs crâniens / Cranial nerves
Nerf supra-trochléaire / Supratrochlear nerve
Nerf supra-orbitaire / Supraorbital nerve
Nerf nasal externe / External nasal nerve
Nerf infra-orbitaire / Infraorbital nerve
Nerf mandibulaire / Mandibular nerve
Nerf mentonnier / Mental nerve
Nerf facial / Facial nerve
Nerf vague (1) / Vagus nerve (1)
Nerf vague (2) / Vagus nerve (2)
Nerf accessoire / Accessory nerve
Nerfs cervicaux / Cervical nerves
Nerf grand occipital / Greater occipital nerve
Branches postérieures des nerfs cervicaux / Posterior branches of the cervical nerves
Punctum nervosum / Punctum nervosum
Nerf petit occipital / Lesser occipital nerve
Nerf grand auriculaire / Great auricular nerve
Nerf phrénique / Phrenic nerve
Nerf supra-scapulaire/ Suprascapular nerve
Troncs du plexus brachial / Trunks of the brachial plexus
Faisceaux du plexus brachial / Cords of the brachial plexus
Branches du plexus brachial / Branches of the brachial plexus
Nerfs du membre supérieur / Upper extremity nerves
Nerf radial / Radial nerve
Bifurcation du nerf radial / Radial nerve bifurcation
Nerf interosseux postérieur / Posterior interosseous nerve
Branche superficielle du nerf radial / Superficial branch of the radial nerve
Nerfs digitaux dorsaux du nerf radial / Dorsal digital nerves of the radial nerve
Nerf cutané latéral de l’avant-bras / Lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve
Nerf médian (1) / Median nerve (1)
Nerf médian (2) / Median nerve (2)
Nerf ulnaire (1) / Ulnar nerve (1)
Nerf ulnaire (2) / Ulnar nerve (2)
Nerfs du plexus lombaire / Lumbar plexus nerves
Plexus lombaire / Lumbar plexus
Nerf ilio-hypogastrique / Iliohypogastric nerve
Nerf ilio-inguinal / Ilioinguinal nerve
Nerf cutané latéral de la cuisse / Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
Nerf obturateur / Obturator nerve
Nerf fémoral / Femoral nerve
Nerf saphène (1) / Saphenous nerve (1)
Nerf saphène (2) / Saphenous nerve (2)
Nerf saphène (3) / Saphenous nerve (3)
Nerf saphène (4) / Saphenous nerve (4)
Nerf sciatique / Sciatic nerve
Nerf tibial (1) / Tibial nerve (1)
Nerf fibulaire commun / Common fibular nerve
Nerf fibulaire profond (1) / Deep fibular nerve (1)
Nerf fibulaire profond (2) / Deep fibular nerve (2)
Nerf fibulaire profond (3) / Deep fibular nerve (3)
Nerf fibulaire superficiel / Superficial fibular nerve
Nerf sural / Sural nerve
Nerf cutané dorsal latéral du pied / Lateral dorsal cutaneous nerve of the foot
Nerf tibial (2) / Tibial nerve (2)
Nerfs digitaux plantaires / Plantar digital nerves
Nerfs intercostaux et nerfs lombo-sacrés / Intercostal nerves and lumbosacral nerves
Conflit disco-radiculaire / Intervertebral disc herniation
Filum terminal / Filum terminale
Nerfs de la région glutéale / Nerves of the gluteal region
Nerfs intercostaux / Intercostal nerves
L’encéphale / The encephalon
Organisation anatomique de l’encéphale / Anatomical organization of the encephalon
Lésions ostéopathiques de l’encéphale / Osteopathic lesions of the encephalon
Approche ostéopathique de l’encéphale / Osteopathic approach of the encephalon
Traitement ostéopathique de l’encéphale / Osteopathic treatment of the encephalon
Quelques observations cliniques / A few clinical cases
Hémisphères cérébraux / Cerebral hemispheres
Corps calleux / Corpus callosum
Diencéphale / Diencephalon
Système limbique / Limbic system
Tronc cérébral / Brainstem
Cervelet / Cerebellum
Mechanical Link
Key points of the peripheral nervous system
Paul Chauffour, Eric Prat et Jacques Michaud
The nervous system, directing and managing all body functions, was always an important topic of observation for Andrew Taylor Still, founder of osteopathy.
Bilingual edition English / French
English version translated by H. Loiselle and R. Anderson
Illustrations by Benoit Caillé
The authors are French osteopaths who are world renowned for the quality of their teaching, and in this book they present an entirely novel approach of the peripheral nervous system based on a rapid and precise diagnosis of the critical points to be treated.
The book exposes in an educational manner the etiology of osteopathic nerve lesions and their correlation with major points of acupuncture, and gives detailed descriptions of each of the principal key points of the peripheral nervous system as well as their clinical correlations with a number of functional pathologies, that may or may not be symptomatic.
The quality of the artwork, which includes over 200 original illustrations–drawings, dissections and photographs by the authors–clearly displays the anatomy of nerves as well as the best way to approach the neural point. An entire chapter has been devoted to the encephalon and the new osteopathic treatment perspectives in this field, completing this book as a reference on the manual approach to the nervous system.
This book is intended for all osteopaths and health professionals who wish to broaden their horizons by integrating in a simple but efficient way the evaluation and treatment of “the neurological link” into their practice.
Foreword, Dr. Stephen Blood
Foreword, Akiyoshi Shimomura
• Mechanical Link
Concept of total lesion
Concept of primary lesion
Concept of specific treatment
• Anatomical-physiological organization of the nerve
and osteopathic considerations
Sensory cutaneous organization
Motor muscular organization
Autonomic nervous organization
Histology and physiology
Structure of the peripheral nerve
Neurological safety
Anatomical safety
Biomechanical safety
Resistance to compression
Resistance to elongation
Resistance to friction
Osteopathic lesion of the nerve
Types of nerve lesions
Etiology of nerve injury
• Key points of the nervous system
List of the key points of the nervous system
Points of compression
Points of convergence
Points of exposure
Points of emergence
Distal points
Neural points and corresponding points of acupuncture
Osteopathy and acupuncture
Peripheral nerves and acupuncture meridians
Neural key points and acupuncture points
Nerve impulse and energy circulation
Clinical considerations
• Osteopathic practice
Location of the neural key point
Tension test of the neural key point
Inhibitory balance test of the neural key point
Treatment of the neural key point with the recoil
• Anatomical review
Cranial nerves
Trigeminal nerve
Facial nerve
Vagus nerve
Accessory nerve
Cervical nerves
Greater occipital nerve
Nerves of the superficial cervical plexus
Phrenic nerve
Brachial plexus
Suprascapular nerve
Nerves of the upper extremity
Radial nerve
Musculocutaneous nerve
Median nerve
Ulnar nerve
Nerves of the lumbar plexus
Collateral branches of the lumbar plexus
Femoral nerve
Obturator nerve
Sciatic nerve
Filum terminale
Siatic nerve
Tibial nerve
Fibular nerve
Sural nerve
• Test descriptions
Cranial nerves
Supratrochlear nerve
Supraorbital nerve
External nasal nerve
Infraorbital nerve
Mandibular nerve
Mental nerve
Facial nerve
Vagus nerve (1)
Vagus nerve (2)
Accessory nerve
Cervical nerves
Greater occipital nerve
Posterior branches of the cervical nerves
Punctum nervosum
Lesser occipital nerve
Great auricular nerve
Phrenic nerve
Suprascapular nerve
Trunks of the brachial plexus
Cords of the brachial plexus
Branches of the brachial plexus
Upper extremity nerves
Radial nerve
Radial nerve bifurcation
Posterior interosseous nerve
Superficial branch of the radial nerve
Dorsal digital nerves of the radial nerve
Lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve
Median nerve (1)
Median nerve (2)
Ulnar nerve (1)
Ulnar nerve (2)
Lumbar plexus nerves
Lumbar plexus
Iliohypogastric nerve
Ilioinguinal nerve
Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
Obturator nerve
Femoral nerve
Saphenous nerve (1)
Saphenous nerve (2)
Saphenous nerve (3)
Saphenous nerve (4)
Sciatic nerve
Tibial nerve (1)
Common fibular nerve
Deep fibular nerve (1)
Deep fibular nerve (2)
Deep fibular nerve (3)
Superficial fibular nerve
Sural nerve
Lateral dorsal cutaneous nerve of the foot
Tibial nerve (2)
Plantar digital nerves
Intercostal nerves and lumbosacral nerves
Intervertebral disc herniation
Filum terminale
Nerves of the gluteal region
Intercostal nerves
The encephalon
Anatomical organization of the encephalon
Osteopathic lesions of the encephalon
Osteopathic approach of the encephalon
Osteopathic treatment of the encephalon
A few clinical cases
Cerebral hemispheres
Corpus callosum
Limbic system